Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Twitter Updates For The Past Week

-Came to work today and noticed my computer wasn't on my desk. Someone walked up the fire escape, broke a small window pane, and stole my work computer out the window! And my little pink dog too! (Monday)

-Stayed up really late last night watching The Island. No, not with Leo DiCaprio. It was about clones. I don't know how I felt about it (Tuesday morning)

-Finished typing up No Room in Lancaster by Grace Wenger, founder of Tabor. Grace Wenger is my hero! She was passionate about social justice and race issues. She also taught English at Millersville. I thought she was just a cute little Mennonite woman! (Tuesday afternoon)

-Mary and I made egg sandwiches for dinner. They were goooood. We also watched another move... (Tuesday evening)

-I'm in charge of a Day of Caring event now that The Ware Institute at F&M will be doing. We'll be cleaning up the sidewalks! (Wednesday morning)

-My heart hurts. (Wednesday afternoon)

-Everyone loved my baked mac and cheese with toppings at potluck! I am a really good cook! I just can't stand doing it. Takes too much time (Wednesday evening)

-Really? It's only Thursday? Really? No rest over the weekend? Oh, merde... (Thursday morning)

-I'm famous. My stolen laptop made the newspaper. (Tuesday afternoon)

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